Graduated from the international program of Interaction Design, specializing in digital design with my major interest being software. My thesis project was about the Finnish National ID numbering system.

Completed an exchange semester in California focusing on web development as a part of my master's degree program.

Graduated from the program of Business Information Technology (Tietojenkäsittely), my major was System Engineering and my thesis was about Android application UI design.

Graduated from the upper secondary school in my hometown (Forssan yhteislyseo).

Hired for a new project. Our customer was a global steel industry company. First and second line IT service desk tasks with extra emphasis on understanding the customer’s business.

Comprehensive internship as the company’s web & tech guy. This company was growing rapidly and had multiple new ideas emerging. Web development & SEO tasks and on-site IT support.

Extended summer job. Warehouse work, consisted of packaging deliveries and collecting larger orders with a forklift.
The master's degree program provided me with design thinking skills, along with a good insight to user-centered design methods, universal design, and color theory. For drawing and prototyping, I have used Sketch, Adobe XD, Marvel, and of course some Photoshop too, but Figma has established itself as my favorite at the moment.
My web development skills are constantly improving. I consider myself quite adept at HTML and CSS, with some JavaScript, jQuery, PHP & MySQL knowledge as well, and hoping to learn some React JS in the future. I have used Bootstrap in several projects, and am familiar with WordPress, Joomla, and SEO techniques through work experience.
I use a Windows desktop and a MacBook in my personal life, so both systems feel like a second nature to me. Android is my weapon of choice for mobile. My days in tech support taught me a lot about Active Directory, Lotus Notes, SCCM, and SAP. I've used both Microsoft Office and Google Apps extensively, but Google has won me over recently.
I'm a native Finnish speaker, and very fluent in English with very good technical vocabulary. I often think in English. I also understand a lot of Norwegian and Swedish, and know the basics of French, Spanish and Polish.
I have an extensive multicultural experience and understanding, in and out of work. At this point I probably have more foreign than Finnish friends. Technical customer service and project teamwork are also very familiar to me.
I have too many hobbies, which means I'm not great at any of them. I'm a disc golfer, fitness enthusiast, gadget geek, film connoisseur, video gamer, and traveler. I have an endless thirst for knowledge and self-improvement.
Whenever I have the time, I like to follow NHL hockey (GO SHARKS!). This info combined with the color scheme of this website should give you an indication about my favorite color. I also dabble with photography and video editing sometimes. My music taste nowadays is broad, but metal is still closest to my heart.